- An Assortment of JustAL Pro Videos -

- If you have family video on VHS and want it converted to digital contact me -

  • Akicita
  • Door County
  • CENTAM Smoke
  • Boy's Orpahage
  • Hoka Hey
  • SHARP 5K Run
  • MWR Sawdust Crafts
  • Hoka Hey
  • MWR Boat Race
  • Flood of '93
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Short Event Videos

...and perhaps a bit more.

I'm not a major producer or even a minor producer. I just play around with video and indulge myself with a hobby. If you have video and stills and an idea, contact me and we'll see what we can put together for your family.

Family Memories

It's easy to overlook pictures and video from past events and disregard them rather then consider the value. It has no monetary value but value none the less.


As you get older memories will carry more value. Some have already learned that lesson, others have yet to learn and the hard headed ones will never learn; they will trudge through life thinking they know it all.

Take time to create memories and share them. I believe Facebook has value in this regard. Share your memories as best you can and create as many as you can. However, do not confuse a selfie with a memory.

As time permits you should scan yoru pictures and store them on a hard drive, actually you need to store them on two hard drives, one orgianl and one backup. The price of hard drives has dropped considerably so ther is no reason you cannot splurge abit and safeguard your memoriers. Once you have collected all the pictures in digital format share them.
